


March 2012 will be Fraud Prevention Month.  The Competition Bureau will be holding a series of three upcoming panel discussions on the topic of online and mobile mass marketing fraud, including an upcoming event at Concordia University:

“Canada’s Competition Bureau is holding a series of three panel discussions to address the issue of online and mobile mass marketing fraud. One of the discussions, organized in collaboration with Professor Mourad Debbabi, is scheduled for Tuesday, March 13 at Concordia.

Debbabi, Concordia University Research Chair in Information Systems Security, will also participate as a panellist during the discussion. “I’ll be talking about our research, which is related to fraud detection, prevention, and attribution,” he says. “For example, we conduct research on brand abuse (the false use of known brand names to attract visitors to websites), false associations, and detecting and geo-locating cybercrime servers.”

Deputy Commissioner of Competition for the Competition Bureau Lisa Campbell says the purpose of the discussions, also scheduled for March 6 in Ottawa and March 8 in Edmonton, is to promote discussion and raise public awareness about the issue of mass marketing fraud through the Internet and mobile devices.”

(See: Concordia University – Fighting Online Fraud).

March will include a number of other fraud prevention related events including fraud seminars, Scam Jam, Shredding Day to Prevent Fraud, Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Combating Immigration Fraud Advertising Campaign and launch of the 2011 Canadian Securities Administrators’ Enforcement Report.

For more information see:

Fraud Prevention Month Events


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