


The Antitrust Law Section of the American Bar Association recently announced the publication of Antitrust Law Developments (Seventh).  Antitrust Law Developments is the seminal general U.S. text on antitrust law, a landmark of scholarship and reflects the collective efforts of many leading antitrust law practitioners and scholars.

From the American Bar Association:

“Antitrust Law Developments (Seventh) is the seminal comprehensive review of federal antitrust law, with reports on current case law and administrative and legislative developments current through 2011.

This 2-volume set updates you on key decisions in the courts, and developments at the enforcement agencies, keeping you current in every area of antitrust practice. Each edition of Antitrust Law Developments is designed to improve upon, as well as update, prior editions, and to ensure consistency with everchanging developments in this dynamic area of law.

This new seventh edition addresses important developments, including the Supreme Court’s decisions in Twombly, Leegin, American Needle, linkLine, and Weyerhaeuser and their treatment in the lower courts. Developments in the courts of appeals relating to bundled discounts and the antitrust-intellectual property interface all receive comprehensive treatment. The chapter on mergers and acquisitions has been substantially revised to reflect the new DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines and new foreign merger control regimes, and the discussion of the misuse doctrine in the chapter on intellectual property has been reorganized and revised.

Antitrust Law Developments (Seventh) is the product of an enormous team effort of Antitrust Section members and is a “must have” for every antitrust practitioner.

Summary of Contents


Chapter 1 – Restraints of Trade

Chapter 2 – Monopolization and Related Offenses

Chapter 3 – Mergers and Acquisitions

Chapter 4 – Joint Ventures

Chapter 5 – Robinson-Patman Act

Chapter 6 – Relevant Market

Chapter 7 – State Antitrust Laws

Chapter 8 – Civil Government Enforcement

Chapter 9 – Private Antitrust Suits


Chapter 10 – Criminal Antitrust Enforcement

Chapter 11 – Antitrust Issues Involving Intellectual Property

Chapter 12 – Antitrust and International Commerce

Chapter 13 – General Exemptions and Immunities

Chapter 14 – Regulated Industries


Table of Cases



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