The American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law has recently published the most recent edition of its Antitrust Law Journal (see: Antitrust Law Journal (Volume 77, Issue 3)).
The current issue includes articles on antitrust and innovation (Herbert Hovenkamp, B. Zorina Khan, Tom Nicholas), patent tying, price discrimination and innovation (Christopher R. Leslie), licensing negotiations in standard-setting organizations (Richard J. Gilbert), patent holdup (George S. Cary, Mark W. Nelson, Steven J. Kaiser and Alex R. Sistla) and several antitrust and IP articles.
About the Antitrust Law Journal:
“Antitrust Law Journal … is a peer-reviewed law review published three times each year by the American Bar Association Section of Anti-trust Law as a service to its members and for the benefit of lawyers practicing antitrust and trade regulation and consumer protection law. The Journal publishes, among other things, original articles and essays on significant current issues of antitrust and consumer protection law.”
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