


We came across the following new and interesting Canadian litigation and regulatory law books, including a new defamation text and a new edition of an interesting text on law for real estate agents:

Fairness in Class Action Settlements (Carswell) – Catherine Piche

From Carswell:

“This treatise explores the legal policy and reasoning behind the mandatory judicial approval of class action settlements, the process by which it is sought and obtained, the currently relevant factors and indicia of settlement fairness which support all decisions to approve, and the roles of the principal settlement actors, particularly the settlement judge. It suggests reform recommendations applicable to these approval processes, roles of the actors and standard of settlement fairness. These recommendations are tested, for their plausibility, against empirical data obtained from the qualitative interviews of seventeen judges conducted by the author in four target jurisdictions that have similar approaches to class action settlement approvals, and where class action litigation activity is heavy: Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, and the United States federal courts.”

For more information see:

Fairness in Class Action Settlements

Boundaries of Judicial Review (Carswell) – Lorne Sossin

From Carswell:

“This book is an innovative work on the scope of judicial decision-making in Canada. Boundaries of Judicial Review: The Law of Justiciability in Canada explores the restrictions on which matters courts may decide and which are moot, hypothetical, political in nature or not yet ripe for a decision. A necessary book for practitioners whose work involves constitutional or administrative matters, it addresses questions such as: when will a matter be dealt with in the courts?; when will a matter be decided in the legislature or by the executive branch of the government?; which disputes should appropriately be before a judge?; is an issue too premature, complex, vague or hypothetical to be decided by a court?  This work is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject of justiciability in Canada.”

For more see:

Boundaries of Judicial Review

Legal Responsibilities of Real Estate Agents, 3rd edition (LexisNexis) – Rosemary Bocska

From LexisNexis:

“Stay Focused, Effective, and Productive by Avoiding Costly Mistakes and Liability.  It’s easier to concentrate on the job-at-hand when you’re not worried about making potentially serious and costly mistakes. This is especially true in today’s high-stakes real estate market with its complicated and often confusing laws and procedures. That’s why this one-of-a-kind reference book has become a staple in real estate and law offices across Canada. It’s filled with practical, useful information, insights and expert advice that real estate agents need to know, in dealing with their legal duties and responsibilities.”

For more see:

Legal Responsibilities of Real Estate Agents

Courts, Litigants and the Digital Age: Law, Ethics and Practice (Irwin Law) – Karen Eltis

From Irwin Law:

“Courts Litigants and the Digital Age examines the ramifications of technology for courts, judges, and the administration of justice. It sets out the issues raised by technology, and, particularly, the Internet, so that conventional paradigms can be updated in the judicial context. In particular, the book dwells on issues such as proper judicial use of Internet sources, judicial ethics and social networking, electronic court records and anonymization
techniques, control of the courtroom and jurors’ use of new technologies, as well as the Internet’s impact on judicial appointments and the diversity of the judiciary.  Through examination of relevant practical, legal, and ethical issues, it endeavours to extract lessons from the developing issues surveyed.”

For more see:

Courts, Litigants and the Digital Age: Law, Ethics and Practice

Canadian Defamation Law and Practice (Carswell) – R. Pepper, R. Stephenson, D. Morritt

From Carswell:

“This book is designed to provide an overview of the Canadian law of defamation and a practice guide for lawyers advising on defamation issues or engaged in prosecuting or defending defamation actions. It will also assist in-house counsel in recognizing areas of concern and help editors and others involved in the communications, advertising and media fields avoid publishing defamatory material. It is an extremely practical guide to the area providing an overview of the law, practice tips and precedents. Topics covered include: the plaintiff and defendant, defences, remedies, defamation and the internet, defamation and the charter, and more.”

For more see:

Canadian Defamation Law and Practice

Economic Negligence, 6th edition (Carswell) – Bruce Feldhusen

For more see:

Carswell – Newly Published

Managing Personal Information: Insights on Corporate Risk and Opportunity for Privacy (Carswell) – Claudiu Popa

From Carswell:

“This book, written by leading industry experts, is designed as an executive’s privacy advisor, a manager’s guide and a professional’s reference. The content has been precisely designed to provide users with guidelines towards better privacy protection. It covers topics such as key aspects of modern privacy including privacy breaches, the role of modern technology, government responses to breaches, existing privacy products and technologies, techniques for assessing privacy process effectiveness, building strong privacy practices, consumer applications and solutions, and key resources for privacy professionals.”

For more see:

Managing Personal Information: Insights on Corporate Risk and Opportunity for Privacy


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    buy-contest-form Templates/precedents and checklists to run promotional contests in Canada

    buy-contest-form Templates/precedents and checklists to comply with Canadian anti-spam law (CASL)


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