


The Institute of Competition Law has published a new e-Competitions Bulletin, which includes the following:

Unilateral Conduct

Howard Ullman: “A U.S. Court of Appeals Reiterates That It Is Possible to Monopolize a Technology Market (Apple / Samsung) and Andrey Filippov: “A Russian Commercial Appeal Court Imposes a Significant Amendment for a Breach of Competition on the Market of a Domain Name Registration”.

Anti-competitive Practices

Helene Lallemand and Juliett Goyer “The French NCA Issues a Decision Making Compulsory the Commitments of Several French Banks in Order to Abolish Progressively the Main Interbank Fees on Direct Debits, Interbank Payment Orders and Other Non-Cash Means of Payment” (whew … think this may also be a record for exhaustive article title) and Marianela Lopez-Galdos: “The Indian Competition Commission Breaks Up a Cement Cartel and Fines Cartelists With a Record Fine of RPS 60 Billion” and Gavin Benjamin Bushell: “The European Court of Justice Rules on Selective Distribution on the Motor Vehicles Industry”.


Ewa Gojniczek: “The President of the Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection Issues New Guidelines on the Assessment of Notified Concentrations” and Eduardo Molan Gaban: “The Brazilian Council for Economic Defense Clears Merger Between Two Ammunition Companies Resulting in Monopolization of the Relevant Market”.


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    Our experience includes more than 20 years advising companies, trade and professional associations, governments and other clients in relation to competition, advertising and marketing, promotional contest, cartel, abuse of dominance, competition compliance, refusal to deal and pricing and distribution law matters.

    Our representative work includes filing and defending against Competition Bureau complaints, legal opinions and advice, competition, CASL and advertising compliance programs and strategy in competition and regulatory law matters.

    We have also written and helped develop many competition and advertising law related industry resources including compliance programs, acting as subject matter experts for online and in-person industry compliance courses and Steve Szentesi as Lawyer Editor for Practical Law Canada Competition.

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