The Institute of Competition Law has published a new e-Competitions Bulletin, which includes the following:
Unilateral Conduct
Howard Ullman: “A U.S. Court of Appeals Reiterates That It Is Possible to Monopolize a Technology Market (Apple / Samsung) and Andrey Filippov: “A Russian Commercial Appeal Court Imposes a Significant Amendment for a Breach of Competition on the Market of a Domain Name Registration”.
Anti-competitive Practices
Helene Lallemand and Juliett Goyer “The French NCA Issues a Decision Making Compulsory the Commitments of Several French Banks in Order to Abolish Progressively the Main Interbank Fees on Direct Debits, Interbank Payment Orders and Other Non-Cash Means of Payment” (whew … think this may also be a record for exhaustive article title) and Marianela Lopez-Galdos: “The Indian Competition Commission Breaks Up a Cement Cartel and Fines Cartelists With a Record Fine of RPS 60 Billion” and Gavin Benjamin Bushell: “The European Court of Justice Rules on Selective Distribution on the Motor Vehicles Industry”.
Ewa Gojniczek: “The President of the Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection Issues New Guidelines on the Assessment of Notified Concentrations” and Eduardo Molan Gaban: “The Brazilian Council for Economic Defense Clears Merger Between Two Ammunition Companies Resulting in Monopolization of the Relevant Market”.
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