January 29, 2013
The Canadian Bar Association’s Anti-Corruption Team (CBA-ACT), which is a joint committee composed of members of the Competition, Business and International sections of the CBA, as well as the CCCA, has launched a new Anti-Corruption website. The new site includes, among other things, links to global anti-corruption legislation, relevant case law (e.g., the recent Griffiths Energy case and Niko Resources) and links to a variety of international resources.
From the CBA:
“The CBA’s Anti-Corruption Team (CBA-ACT) is a joint committee comprised of members from the International, Business, and Competition law sections as well as CCCA. The CBA-ACT was established to monitor and respond to all matters involving corrupt practices and to provide an educational resource centre for Canadian lawyers. Building on over a decade of CBA work in the area of anti-corruption and anti-bribery, the CBA-ACT focuses on providing Canadian lawyers with a place to learn about anti-corruption legislation, case law, and compliance requirements. The CBA-ACT takes a proactive advocacy role and emphasizes the implementation and enforcement of corruption legislation, including the Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, the U.K.’s Bribery Act, and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The team will work to advocate strategies and policy designed to help lawyers prevent and eradicate corruption. The CBA-ACT will identify issues in corruption both nationally and internationally and will provide lawyers in Canada with tools to help their clients.”
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