


The Maple Group Acquisition Corporation (“Maple”) announced earlier today that it would extend its offer once again to acquire the TMX Group.

In making the announcement, Maple said:

“Maple and TMX Group are committed to the transaction and are working diligently to obtain the required regulatory approvals. To this end, they are in ongoing discussions with the regulators and have made numerous submissions to them, including a proposed CDS pricing model, and have proposed remedies to address concerns regarding equities trading.

As previously disclosed, under the Support Agreement between Maple and TMX Group, Maple has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all required regulatory approvals, including from the securities regulatory authorities and the Commissioner of Competition, and to accept all conditions, commitments and undertakings necessary to do so, provided they do not result in a “Material Detriment” as defined in the Support Agreement. Maple is continuing to seek to resolve outstanding issues and concerns raised by the securities regulatory authorities and the Competition Bureau. However, there can be no assurance that remedies short of a Material Detriment will address the issues and concerns raised by the securities regulatory authorities and the Commissioner or that the required regulatory approvals will be obtained.

Details of Maple’s offer are available in its Offer and Circular dated June 10, 2011, as varied by the Notice of Variation dated June 24, 2011, the Notice of Change and Extension dated August 8, 2011, the Notice of Extension dated September 29, 2011, the Notice of Variation and Extension dated October 31, 2011, the Notice of Extension dated January 31, 2012 and a further Notice of Extension to be filed by Maple on SEDAR and mailed to TMX Group’s shareholders in respect of the current extension of the offer.  These documents are also available at www.abetterexchange.com.”


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